Wednesday, 30 September 2015

THE CANDY LIFE... by Samuel Sewanu Olamidimeji

Its life, its sweet, its candy!!!!

One pleasant evening, I was in bed playing the usual candy crush saga, I suddenly stumbled upon an amazing inspiration and decided to put it down and share with you all. It’s quite simple, I just perused beyond the interface of the game and I found life.

Life is like candy crush, every move you make either up, down or sideways causes a blast. Our movements could be either positive or negative in life, but as the game shows us, each blast affects other candies (people’s life) around us in a good or bad way.

The game (candy crush) itself has several moves, you could get just 3 candies and it causes a blast, and surprisingly causes more blasts than you expected from that simple move (like when you answer a question well in class and your teacher decides to announce on the assembly ground the next day *BOSS feeling*). At times you get 4 candies together to form a super candy that may not even get to blast (money without fame) or be of use at all till you run out of moves.  And just maybe it is all you need to get it all (Money and fame isn’t everything, Happiness and Family means a lot).

HERE comes the big one, I like to call it SUGAR-SUGAR, 5 candies “whew”. Once you see it, you are waiting for the right moment to swipe it with another candy (after making all the money you now looking for a spouse **loolz** or better still, having a first class certificate and waiting for that your dream job to have an opening). Now you are waiting for that super 4 candy *smiles*(dream wife). You get irritated when brings it but doesn’t place it near the sugar-sugar (dream wife is already taken or knowing how to write lyrics but you can’t sing and can’t get a star artist to sell it to *SAD right*). Life leaves you with a simple candy beside your sugar-sugar (rich man in the midst of poor men) and you feel bad. Eventually you decided to use your sugar-sugar on one of the simple candies because you love to see the blast it creates, and alas, to your utmost surprise it clears all jellies (who you never taught would value your help did more that you ever imagined when you helped, give SHINA (upcoming artiste) the lyrics wey you write, oun na ma blow (himself go blow)*hehehe*) and even forms a lot of super candies or the sweetest sugar-sugar around sugar-sugar *dancing* then life ends well for everyone SUGARCRUSH *Smiles*.

Sometimes you are slow and life gives you moves and you ignore because you have eventually seen a better move (uncle helps you with a Job of 50k but you got one of 200k *claps*, you’ve done well… Remember to thank him, he was your only other option…. hehehe, don’t start thanking the game when playing candy crush o *wink* just saying).  But sometime you adhere to that move because it was your only option (when you are brilliant but not as much to get a scholarship and you desire education but your parents can’t afford it)…PLS NOTE: WHEN YOU MAKE THIS MOVES YOU GET MORE OPTIONS EVENTUALLY. At a time it simply says no more options and rearranges it all (life will always be arranged to favor a move).

At some levels you get timed (Examinations and Interviews) and you begin to think, act and watch just to achieve the set score, so you could pass that level (get the job or get promoted). Either timed, small moves, a lot of moves, you aim at getting SUGAR CRUSH. 1, 2, 3 stars doesn’t matter to some and matters to some, but then people don’t want to know how many stars you got at each level, they want to know what level you are now (1st class, 3rd class, yahoo they not interested, they want to know if he/she is living fine or not).

In this life; YOU are the candy, YOU are sweet, YOU are your life. You need to know when and how to move, who to move to and at the same time keep a blind faith in humanity and how much blast a simple move can create. All in all, one thing is certain “YOU MUST MOVE” or better still “THOU MUST MOVE” to get a blast.
Subtle advice; make the right move , keep your faith alive and right and when your sugar crushes, DON’T STOP MOVING YOU can always do MORE.
Still more to come on the candy life people.


Please leave your comments below... Thanks...

Contact the writer:
Samuel Sewanu Olamidimeji (pepperazi©) 

Sunday, 5 July 2015


He writes of the person who thinks these things when he looks in the mirror. He is Jerome.

Being in a relationship he thinks, might not just be for him. For him, he sincerely doesn’t know how to be in a relationship. O no, don’t get him wrong, he knows how to be a friend, how to be a brother, and also how to be a son but how to have a partner or have someone who is included in his day to day existence, someone he’s willing to do just almost anything for or sacrifice for, he has an idea close to nothing.

Jerome has dated a number of ladies, of course, but it never turned into anything hardy or substantial. In fact, the longest relationship he has had would be for say 8 months.

Quite sadly, he has over time succeeded in pushing away his lovers, until they are left with no option than to end it themselves. He was petrified every step of the way!

But what could Jerome really be scared of? Truth be told, he doesn’t know; but every time he starts settling into some routine, he’ll pull back. He always finds himself retreating. It will be easy to say he has commitment phobia or he’s someone who just hasn’t met the right person yet or in extreme cases, maybe he just doesn’t know what he wants; all of which could be correct, but he’s sure it’s something deeper, something far more serious than just dating the wrong people. And NO, he doesn’t think it’s spiritual!

He counts it as a failure on his part, a kind of shortcoming. “Maybe this is my shortcoming, my cross, my weak spot.  Maybe I just legitimately, honestly don’t know how to be in a relationship with someone asides myself”, he thinks to himself.

The annoying thing about all of this is that he actually enjoys companionship. He wants to be able to talk to someone, lay close to someone, gist, hangout and all.  This is not self eulogy but he knows himself to be an excellent friend and a selfless thoughtful person, even at his place of work.

All signs indicate that Jerome will be a good partner, but in reality, he’s not; he’s terrible.  He’s not even close to it.  The second he starts dating someone, he starts to feel suffocated and looks for a way out. He breaks plans, make excuses, all for nothing.

Sometimes he asks himself why he’s so quick to deny himself of something he clearly wants.  It has always been self sabotage really, nothing else!

He’s so locked inside of himself, scared of someone bringing him out. He’s scared of someone loving him beyond his comprehension. He’s scared he’ll always let them down, so he lets them go.  He looks at his relationship experiences sometimes, in comparison to other people his age and he feels totally pathetic.

“It’s me, I am the problem!!!”, he screams in thought “I have had people who were ready to love me, ready to be my partner, ready to go all the way for me and I always run away from them.  In my excuse, I would just take them as being unguided or blindly in love. I have serious intimacy issues.”

At times, he wants to figure it out, but he also has to face the reality that he might not ever figure it out. He really doesn’t know how he got to this level, but here he is! This is where Jerome has found himself, or would he say, this is where he has brought Jerome to.

Comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

PS: (Thanks Sure_la for editing) You rock!!!!

Saturday, 28 March 2015


The prayer was lengthy. The prayer leader was rapping, his words incoherent, and his prayer unintelligible. My slight problem with ‘prayer’ is that it has become more like gambling. Let’s say as much as possible to God and if we are righteous or can quote copious scriptures, he would answer. ‘He is a prayer answering God, not a prayer storing God’ shouts the leader. Please……I have heard that before.
I   have always believed that the more selective, with words, one is during prayer, the more effective one would be. Jesus didn’t rap his prayer or utter lengthy, incoherent sounds. That is why His prayers were recordable. Imagine if we were required to write our prayers before saying them, we would all be very concise. One should remember the exact words said in one’s prayer. This approach would focus one’s faith and thus enhance it. Why should the potency of my prayer be judged by or be dependent on my demeanor during prayer, the volume of my voice, the violence of my gestures or the piety of my expression? Why should length take precedence over sincerity of heart? Why should communication with my maker have to be so exhausting? The picture of God forced on my mind by spiritual leaders has been one of a grand, overbearing boss, who constantly plays hard to get. Why can’t we fellowship with God over breakfast, in church? Is there a way church could be made more appealing, without diluting the spiritual content of the service?
Oya, stop! Stop! These thoughts are dangerous. They are not permitted in chapel. You don’t question the actions of the chaplaincy or of   your spiritual leaders. If you do this, it means you are not spiritual, and in extreme cases, not born again. Spiritual people just do as instructed. If they are told to pray, they pray. No questions. No opposition.
I couldn’t reconcile the voices in my head. I sat. Damn the consequences. I prepared myself to listen to the unquestionable sermon of today’s preacher. I dozed off………then the ‘grace’. Service is over.
I stepped out of chapel, hungry, disheveled and unsure of my standing with my creator, viewed through the lens of a monolithic, Pentecostal community , preaching a valid message, with the twin instruments of coercion and scare-mongering. Is scaring people into going to church and giving their lives to Christ, good evangelism? Is fear, solid bedrock for a sound Christian adventure? Oya, stop! I switched on my I-pod touch and plugged my earphones, as I strolled to my room.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Just be yourself…

Wow!!! Its really been a long time. I wouldn’t exactly say I have been busy but maybe I have. Anyways I’m here now. I just wish I could keep this going. I just met a friend, her name is… Actually non of your business… Lol… Anyways she kind of inspired me to visit my blog again… I wrote this particular piece about 8years ago. August 26, 2007 to be precise, I have added little additions to it now tho. I hope its meaningful to you!


Before you think I am trying to insult you, I am not. I am asking a very serious question, do you know what makes you special? I won’t be surprised if someone said – nothing. I am just like every other person on the street. I actually totally disagree with you though, no two people are alike. But it amazing how we so easily forget this fact.
One of lessons I ever learnt so far was that nobody can do me like me and that has contributed to me becoming the confident person I believe I am today.
I did not learn this lesson easily though, it took me going through a lot of trying times in my life and surviving. It took me discovering who I am, my passions, my likes, my dislikes, it took me laughing at my own jokes, critisizing myself and praising myself.
The one thing I used to hate was my mum comparing me with other people. I did not know back then why I felt so strongly against it but I know now. I can never be like any other person, and frankly, I do not want to be.
I never used to like looking in the mirror (I am still working on that though) because I felt I did not have a body to die for, but what amazed me was that with my less than perfect body, I still had girls flocking around me.
That thought me a very important lesson, at the end of the day, it is your attitude, character and personality that counts. People only see what you want them to see.
You need to remind yourself everyday that you were not born to fit in, you were born to stand out. If God wanted all of us to be the same, he would have made all of us identical and believe me, that would have been boring.
The best gift that you can give yourself, I believe, is to discover yourself. Everybody was born with a gift, what is yours? I remember my pastor once saying; anyone taller than you is too tall, anyone shorter than you is too short, anyone fatter than you is too fat, anyone slimmer than you is too slim.
You are perfect in all ramifications, special and unique, just the way God intended you to be, You should determine within yourself not to be a ‘chinko’ china made (there are just too many of them out there) be an original.
Celebrate yourself, appreciate your unique existence, the world is lucky to have you. Nobody can be like you.
Kindly drop any comments, criticisms, contributions below… Thanks.